It’s happening! You’ve booked the session; the day is set; we might even have the location nailed down. You are well on your way to a fantastic investment for your brand; now, what in the world will you wear? Good question, and you’re not alone if you don’t know where to begin; I get asked this one A LOT. Choosing the right outfit can be daunting sometimes *Cue the “I have nothing to wear” montage.* Even on a normal day, I’ve felt the challenge, and being in front of the camera can bring added pressure; however, I want this entire process to be fun! So before the stress brain takes over, let’s review some tips.
Tip 1: Cast aside the uncomfortable
The first and most important tip I have for you. If it’s too itchy, too hot, too anything, stray away. Choosing something that makes you feel incredible, brings forward the fierce entrepreneur, stunning goddess, or free as the wind nature that you feel represents your soul. Your confidence and comfort are major components in creating portraits that capture your personality.
Tip 2: Elevate the everyday.
Think about what you would wear for work or meeting with clients. How do they see you? The way you are presented on your website or social media pages is the image clients will create before they meet you. When it’s time for an outdoor portrait session, you’ll see me in jeans, a band tee, boots (for height), or sneakers. If I’m working a formal or evening event, a black jumpsuit (with pockets, of course) is my holy grail. If my website and social media were filled with content of me in business attire, I would be pushing a disconnect between myself and my clients. People want to work with professionals they vibe with, so show up as YOU. Your style is part of your personality, and that’s what we want your clients to connect with.

Tip 3: Options, but not too many.
The session length determines how many outfits we can fit in. I recommend giving each ensemble at least 30 minutes, so up to two outfits for your standard hour-long package. A complete outfit change takes time, and doing more can disrupt the session’s flow, making everyone involved feel rushed. A casual outfit paired with a more formal one will give you the biggest range of content, and accessories like hats, jackets, and shoe options are great ways to change things and create variety quickly.
Tip 4: Hit me up!
The line of communication between you and your photographer should always be open. My job is to help you visualize your brand, and I am ALWAYS down to help style outfits; I seriously love it. Give me a reason to create a mood /Pinterest board- I am all over it. Even if you feel 100% confident in your styling choices, communicating your direction can ensure that we pair that with the perfect location, backdrop, and lighting that fits the style you are going for. Keep that line nice and hot until our session; don’t hang up and let it go cold.

Tip 5: When in doubt, delegate it out.
If it’s within the budget, invest in the hair stylist and makeup artist. Not because you need it to look fabulous, because, honestly, you’re rad rolling out of bed. However, suppose the idea of getting ready on your own feels overwhelming and stressful. In that case, a personal glam squad will help bring those spirits up. As a business owner, you already wear so many hats in and outside of work; sometimes, delegating something off your plate makes a world of difference. If you need a recommendation, I know a few!
So remember:
- Leave the itchy dress at home.
- Add some flare to your favorite outfit.
- No speed-changing competitions here.
- Use me as your soundboard.
- Let yourself be pampered.
With those tips in mind, you should be well on your way to planning your outfits for a successful and comfortable personal branding session. Have questions? Send me an email; I’m always here to help!